St John Rigby Catholic Primary School

St John Rigby Catholic Primary School

Community Safety Talk

Welcome to PC Denton and PC Roger Williams

Today PC Denton and PC Roger Williams came into school to talk to year 5 and 6 pupils about Knife Crime. As a school, we are dedicated to keeping children safe, and feel it is very important to discuss current community issues with our pupils to avoid misconceptions and the subject becoming sensationalized.   

The presentation provided the children with important tools for help and support, as well as prevention messages.

Some of the main headings within the presentation were:

  • What is knife crime?
  • Carrying a knife for protection
  • Stab wounds
  • The consequences of carrying a knife
  • Knife crime and the law
  • How you can help the police
  • Resources and Support 

The children all found the topic very interesting and helpful.  The children had an opportunity to ask questions at the end and express any concerns.

We would like to thank PC Roger Williams and PC Denton for their help, advice and support in keeping our pupils, and the community, safe.  As a school, we continue to work with the police to ensure our children and families are educated on important issues such as these.

 If you would like further information, or would like to report a crime anonymously please go to:

Home - Fearless

Are you fearless? Fearless provides non judgemental advice about crimes that affect you. It’s the only site that allows you to give information 100% anonymously about crime.