Our purpose as a Catholic school is to focus on the moral development of our children in accordance with Christ’s teachings, while fulfilling the academic preparation necessary to be successful citizens who can make a positive contribution to modern Britain.
“I have come that you may have life, life to the full.” John 10: 1-10
OUR VISION for St John Rigby is to educate children in the spirit of the Gospel values and traditions of the Catholic Church, and believe our fundamental mission is the nurturing of talents and potential of each individual as they embrace their faith development, learning and growing in the knowledge and love of Christ. This is underpinned by our mission statement:
“God’s will be done through work and play as we follow Jesus day by day”
We recognise that parents are the primary educators of their children; therefore, effective collaboration and communication with families as partners are essential to the success of our children. We envision our school community working in partnership to nurture, mentor, develop and promote individuals who have the essential tools to flourish and live a faith-centered life.
We believe to make this vision a reality, we must:
- Provide an education with Christ at the centre and ensure a strong sense of Catholic identity, meeting the spiritual needs of all and supporting our children, families and school community in the faith journey;
- Follow the example of Christ and in so doing, treat our children, families and staff with dignity and respect and being a welcoming, compassionate community, where all are equally loved and valued for who they are;
- Be an affirming, challenging educational community, committed to the search for excellence for all through a high-quality inclusive education;
- Nurture all individuals to develop self-confidence and have high self-esteem, developing independence, resilience, critical thinking and perseverance so that children can own their individual learning journey;
- Encourage and motivate a highly skilled team of staff and continually develop our knowledge to ensure the best possible education for all of our children.
- Recognise the immense potential of working in partnership with families, the Parish and wider community in order to fulfil our wider ambitions for the children in our school.
- Develop Catholic Character Education and live out the social teachings of the Church in order to promote a shared vision of life whereby the development of good sense, or practical wisdom, allows our children to put their faith into action: respecting human dignity and working for the common good to promote justice and community cohesion regardless of faith or cultural backgrounds.
Our Catholic Values underpin the spiritual journey of all children and adults at St John Rigby as we ‘Follow Jesus day by day’ in Faith, Hope, Love, Forgiveness and Trust.
This is understood and lived out with integrity by all members of our growing community, being visible throughout our school: in our learning, worship, behaviours and relationships. This brings with it the responsibility of using our gifts to the full, living side by side with each other as Christ would expect us to, and showing our understanding of the virtues to live by.