Lions, Sausages, Shoeboxes and Bumper Quiz Competitions
On Tuesday 27th February, we are delighted to be welcoming Michelle Robinson, children’s author. Michelle’s books, with titles as diverse as, “There’s a Lion in My Cornflakes” and “Ten Fat Sausages” are very popular with a wide variety of age groups.
All of our year groups will have an audience with Michelle at various points throughout the day. Michelle is a fun, engaging and inspiring speaker who really makes her books come alive.
There will be an opportunity for the children to purchase signed copies of Michelle’s books.
On Thursday. 1st March, we celebrate World Book Day.
Prior to half term, we launched this year’s competition entitled: “Story Museum in a Shoebox”. The children were shown some examples (see below) and are working hard on their entries ready for March 1st.
We have a great deal going on in school on World Book Day including a reading challenge called “Reach for the Stars”, Bumper Book Quizzes for different age groups, “DEAR” time (Drop Everything and Read) which all children and adults will participate in and “Share a Story” where older children from KS2 will come and read to our younger pupils.
Over this term, we have already introduced a number of competitions including the BBC 500 words competition and the handwriting competition. These competitions have created a real buzz about the school in terms of our enjoyment of story reading and writing. We look forward to next week with great excitement.