Bedfordshire Education Welfare Service is committed to raising our children and young people's achievement by supporting their regular attendance at school. The service is able to offer you advice and assistance where your child is having difficulties attending school. Education Welfare Officers work in partnership with schools to monitor the punctuality and attendance of all pupils and their aim is to offer parents/carers a courteous and helpful service. Your Education Welfare Officer, David Blake, is based at St Thomas More Secondary School.
He can offer support by:
- Acting upon referrals from school where attendance is a concern.
- Visiting your home and working with you in an open, honest and respectful way.
- Identifying the reasons why your child is not attending school.
- Setting targets for attendance and behaviour and developing action plans for improvement.
- Making referrals to other professionals to support your needs and your child's needs; for example working closely with the school nurse over frequent medical absences.
- Fostering good relationships, where they have broken down, between the school and parents/carers.
- Giving advice on welfare and child employment issues.
What you can do to help.
- Please only take holidays during school holiday times.
- Make sure your child goes to school regularly, arrives at school on time and keeps to the school rules.
- If your child is telling you s/he doesn't like school and doesn't want to go, don't keep him/her away from school. Speak to your child, Headteacher or contact the Education Welfare Officer. We will work together and help your child feel happier in school and stop you from worrying.
- You must show your child that you believe school is very important.
- If your child complains about bulling or you think s/he is being bullied, speak to the Headteacher.
- If your child is off school, tell the school the reason why immediately. You can do this by phone or letter.
Don't forget, as a parent/carer you have a legal responsibility to make sure your child attends school regularly. If after support your child's poor attendance persists without reasonable explanation, the Education Welfare Service will need to consider legal action.
But if you have concerns about your child's school attendance or worried about any other attendance related issues please do contact David Blake, Education Welfare Officer. He is there to help you. Alternatively, contact the Education Welfare Service at County Hall.
David Blake |
Education Welfare Office Tel: 01234 228304 |